“Art advances the celebration of this intersection.”
One of the best – and sometimes worst – ways that “Beauty” can be expressed is through the creative arts. Art can both solidify and mystify a person’s exploration and discovery of the Mysterious. It can bring powerful or desolate answers. Art has a unique ability to be an effective medium for the Good, True, and Beautiful, but this is not easy. I once heard a screenwriter say, “Creativity is hard. It’s why we stay in our pajamas for days…”
As Friday Arts Project we want to grow in our knowledge about the place where the Good, True, and Beautiful meet – and this is why we “advance” the Arts; but we also want to share what we discover at this intersection – this is why we “celebrate” the Arts. We wish to “advance” meaning to take the initiative, or be active in how and when we speak to our culture and community. We wish to “celebrate” meaning to highlight and herald Art and creativity. Celebrating implies knowledge – almost an intimate knowledge – but the act of celebrating itself advances.
Advancing and celebrating also require community, you need people to tell, show, and share in the importance of the arts, and a party is more fun when there is more than one person. So we advance and celebrate. All of this happens best at the intersection – the crossing, the meeting – of where Truth and Goodness meet Mystery. An intersection can also bring collision, which means difficulty. But an intersection can also bring wonderful growth. Crossroads are where communities grow most – just look at the big cities of the world.
“Beauty exists where Truth and Goodness meet Mystery. Art advances the celebration of this intersection.”
This is Friday Arts Project’s vision. We hope you join us in the celebrating.
Next time, more about our mission.
Kirk Irwin