Discussion Notes for Friday AM Discussion Group | (the A.M.s)
February 5, 2021 | The Architecture of Happiness by Alain de Button
Discussion Notes for Friday AM Discussion Group | (the A.M.s)DISCUSSION NOTES February 5, 2021 Review: ..it means acknowledging that buildings are able to solve no more than a fraction of our dissatisfactions or prevent evil from unfolding under their watch....
January 29, 2021 | The Architecture of Happiness by Alain de Button
Discussion Notes for Friday AM Discussion Group | (the A.M.s)DISCUSSION NOTES January 29, 2021 Review: An ugly room can coagulate any loose suspicions as to the incompleteness of life, while a sun-lit one set with honey-coloured limestone tiles can lend support to...
January 15, 2021 | The Architecture of Happiness by Alain de Botton
Discussion Notes for Friday AM Discussion Group | (the A.M.s)DISCUSSION NOTES January 15, 2021 Review: An ugly room can coagulate any loose suspicions as to the incompleteness of life, while a sun-lit one set with honey-coloured limestone tiles can lend support to...
January 8, 2021 | The Architecture of Happiness by Alain de Botton
Discussion Notes for Friday AM Discussion Group | (the A.M.s)DISCUSSION NOTES January 8, 2021 Questions: Tell us about a place (a room, a home, or other) that you remember fondly from your childhood. Describe it, and why you remember it fondly. Is it possible to be...
February 12, 2021
..it means acknowledging that buildings are able to solve no more than a fraction of our dissatisfactions or prevent evil from unfolding under their watch. Architecture, even at its most accomplished, will only ever constitute a small, and imperfect (expensive, prone to destruction and morally unreliable), protest against the state of things. More awkwardly still, architecture asks us to imagine that happiness might often have an unostentatious, unheroic character to it…
What is a beautiful building? To be modern is to experience this as an awkward and possibly unanswerable question, the very notion of beauty having come to seem like a concept doomed to ignite unfruitful and childish argument. How can anyone claim to know what is attractive? How can anyone adjudicate between the competing claims of different styles or defend a particular choice in the face of the contradictory tastes of others? The creation of beauty, once viewed as the central task of the architect, has quietly evaporated from serious professional discussion and retreated to a confused private imperative. p28
Discussion: Let’s answer and discuss the questions de Button posits here.
Question: What does de Botton mean by the creation of beauty “…quietly evaporate[ing] from serious professional discussion and retreated to a confused private imperative”?
Beauty must include three qualities: integrity or completeness – since things that lack something are thereby ugly; right proportion or harmony; and brightness – we call things bright in colour beautiful.
Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theolgica
If beauty delights the intellect, it is because it is essentially a certain excellence or perfection in the proportion of things to the intellect. Hence the three conditions Saint Thomas assigned to beauty; integrity, because the intellect is pleased in fullness of Being; proportion, because the intellect is pleased in order and unity; finally, and above all, radiance or clarity, because the intellect is pleased in light and intelligibility.
Jacques Maritain, Art & Scholasticism
Question: How do these thoughts from Aquinas and Maritain add to our discussion?
**All content unless otherwise noted from The Architecture of Happiness by Alain de Botton . Content for this discussion compiled by Kirk Irwin