Events and Observations


FRIDAY ARTS PROJECTis on PAUSE in JULYA TIME TO PAUSE, A TIME TO REST We want to cultivate a community sensitive to the minds and needs of its volunteers. We can know in moments what is happening on the other side of the world—not just one thing, but dozens even...

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Birdsong Like a Canopy

Birdsong Like a Canopy

Beauty, Art & Ecology
Our Spring 2024 forum will explore the values of Generosity, Wonder, and Craft as they relate to a grateful engagement with nature and agriculture.…

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FRIDAY ARTS PROJECTis on PAUSE in JULYA TIME TO PAUSE, A TIME TO REST We want to cultivate a community sensitive to the minds and needs of its volunteers. We can know in moments what is happening on the other side of the world—not just one thing, but dozens even...

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Food & Art 2022

Food & Art 2022

FOOD & ART From Our Table to Yours Friday Arts Project’s fundraiser.Saturday, May 21, 2022 @ 7—10PM at the Hickory Post! Pies have a reputation.And it’s immediate —no talk of potential  Regarding a pie. It’s good Or it isn’t, but mostly it is—sweet, very...

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May 14, 2021 | The Architecture of Happiness by Alain de Button

May 7, 2021 | The Architecture of Happiness by Alain de Button

Discussion Notes for Friday AM Discussion Group | (the A.M.s)DISCUSSION NOTES May 7, 2021 Review: The moral equation between beauty and goodness lent to all architecture a new seriousness and importance. In admiring the noble patina of a mature wooden floor, we would...

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